In a humorous and attention-grabbing ad, one of President Joe Biden’s Democratic challengers, Rep. Dean Phillips, released a campaign advertisement featuring Bigfoot searching for the incumbent in New Hampshire. The ad criticizes Biden for not campaigning in the Granite State and questions how he can avoid being found by thousands of people searching for him. While incumbent presidents typically do not focus on primaries, Phillips’s campaign spent $300,000 on the ad and created a website highlighting Biden’s absence in New Hampshire. This blog post explores the significance of Biden’s absence in the state and the efforts made to challenge New Hampshire’s status as the first primary in the country.As a serious Bigfoot researcher, I was intrigued by an advertisement released by one of President Joe Biden’s Democratic challengers, Rep. Dean Phillips. The ad features Bigfoot searching for the incumbent president in New Hampshire, criticizing Biden for not campaigning in the Granite State. The campaign even launched a website called “Not in New Hampshire” to highlight Biden’s absence from the state. In the ad, Bigfoot humorously questions how Biden can evade being found by tens of thousands of people searching for him. As a believer in the subject, I found it amusing that Bigfoot reported seeing Phillips “everywhere.” It is worth noting that incumbent presidents running for reelection typically do not focus much on primaries, and Biden’s allies are urging New Hampshire voters to write him in on the ballots despite the unsanctioned primary.

In conclusion, this advertisement and campaign strategy by Rep. Dean Phillips shed light on President Biden’s absence from campaigning in New Hampshire. As a serious Bigfoot researcher, it is interesting to see how this mythical creature is used as a metaphor to highlight Biden’s elusive presence in the state. While the primary election schedule was attempted to be modified, New Hampshire officials maintained their status as the first primary in the country after the Iowa caucuses. It remains to be seen how this unconventional approach will impact the nomination process and the overall perception of Biden’s campaign strategy.Information for this post was sourced from :%post_url%

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