In a recent incident that has sparked widespread curiosity, passengers aboard a train on the Narrow Gauge Railroad in Colorado claim to have witnessed a real-life Bigfoot sighting. The passengers recorded a video showing a large, furry creature walking near the tracks and even appearing to perform some Karate moves. However, Colorado’s Bigfoot expert, Jim Myers, believes that the sighting was likely a hoax. Myers, who runs the popular Sasquatch Outpost in Bailey, has dismissed the video, stating that the hair color and shine indicate it was a costume. Despite this skepticism, the fascination with Bigfoot continues to draw tourists to the Sasquatch Outpost and other Bigfoot-related attractions in Colorado.
Earlier this month, a train ride along the Narrow Gauge Railroad in Colorado sparked excitement among passengers when they witnessed what appeared to be a real-life Bigfoot sighting. Some individuals on board even managed to capture footage of the creature, which showed a large, furry being walking near the tracks and engaging in what seemed like Karate moves. However, despite the buzz surrounding this event, Jim Myers, an esteemed Bigfoot expert in Colorado, believes that it was likely a hoax. According to Myers, “The hair was the wrong color, it was shiny. And it’s clearly a costume.” As someone well-versed in the subject matter, Myers’ opinion carries weight. While enthusiasts may have hoped for a genuine encounter, it seems that this particular sighting may not be the evidence they were seeking.
In the town of Bailey, Colorado, the Sasquatch Outpost stands as a popular attraction for tourists. Jim and Daphne Myers, the owners of this museum and store dedicated to all things Bigfoot, have been running the outpost for years. Following the recent alleged sighting between Silverton and Durango, an Opinion Editor from the Durango Herald, Ann Swan, penned an entertaining article addressed to the mythical creature and sought an opinion on the authenticity of the sighting. Unfortunately for those anticipating Bigfoot’s relocation to Durango, Myers does not believe that the being spotted from the train was actually Bigfoot. His expertise and analysis indicate that it was likely a person in a costume. As we await the next Bigfoot sighting in Colorado, interested individuals can explore Myers’ Sasquatch Outpost in Bailey.
In conclusion, while the recent Bigfoot sighting on the Narrow Gauge Railroad garnered attention and excitement, renowned Bigfoot expert Jim Myers believes it was a hoax. His analysis of the footage suggests that the creature spotted was merely someone in a costume. Despite this disappointment, enthusiasts can still visit the Sasquatch Outpost in Bailey, Colorado, which serves as a hub for all things Bigfoot-related. The search for evidence of the elusive creature continues, and perhaps the next sighting will provide more conclusive proof.
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