In a recent report from Clinton County, Missouri, a resident claims to have seen two sets of large green eyes reflecting a spotlight around 1am near Holt. The witness describes the eyes as being at least 7ft tall and hiding behind a bush before peeking out again. This encounter has left the witness shaken, as no animal in the area stands that tall and would hide behind a bush. A follow-up investigation by BFRO Investigator Ontario Richardson reveals that the witness observed these creatures three times, with one set of eyes being taller than the other. The witness is unsure of what they encountered, but it did not fit the parameters of any common mammal.
Geographical Index > United States > Missouri > Clinton County > Report # 76259
(Class B)
Submitted by witness on Monday, August 14, 2023.
Resident sees two sets of large green eyes reflecting spotlight around 1am near Holt
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YEAR: 2023
SEASON: Summer
MONTH: August
DATE: 8th
STATE: Missouri
COUNTY: Clinton County
LOCATION DETAILS: [The field mentioned is roughly one third of a mile southeast of the Lathrop Rest Area Southbound off Interstate 35 ; roughly 27 miles northeast of Kansas City, MO]
OBSERVED: I was taking my dogs outside and I’ve been taking a spotlight with me because there has been alot of coyote activity. I was scanning around with the spotlight and about 300 feet in front of me is a clearing for a soy bean field. I shinned the light past there and seen two sets of glowing eyes so I shinned back and from my perspective these eyes were at least 7ft tall.
When I held the light on them they both hid behind a big bush on the right side of the clearing to this field. I watched for a while. They kept peeking there heads out around the bush so I turned the light off and then back on again and they’d be there looking back at me then would hide again. That had me pretty shaken so I went inside for about twenty minutes and came back out and walked down where I seen them. They were gone. I was still pretty shaken so I didn’t get to close but it was crazy to see how big these stood. No animal in this area stands that tall and would hide behind a bush and peek out
ALSO NOTICED: This was the first time experiencing something like this
OTHER STORIES: I’ve heard in the past people in near by town as having witnessed Sasquatch or what they thought was a Sasquatch
TIME AND CONDITIONS: It happened around 12:30-1am it was pretty cloudy and dark that night it had rained that morning
ENVIRONMENT: It was at the entrance to a soy bean field
Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Ontario Richardson:
Witness reported that when he initially saw these creatures there were two sets of green eyes reflecting the spotlight. Both sets were leaning back and forth behind the tall bush. The appeared three times.
One set of eyes were 1′ taller than the other. When he lowered the light, the shorter set of eyes had moved to the bush to the right of the path. He estimated that the eyes were golf ball sized. He had heard crashing noises in woods prior to the encounter. This path is 12′ wide. Approximate height was over 6′ tall.
Witness has a large garden full of treat foods, such as melon, strawberries and vegetables. When the food gets overripe, he throws it over the 4′ tall fence. Natural sugars are rare in nature and is a highly sought after food by mammals. He also keeps horse feed in this area.
This area is located in rural Missouri, near wooded pastures, valleys, natural creeks and has five large ponds in the immediate area.
He was not sure what he encountered, but it did not fit the parameters of any common mammal.
About BFRO Investigator Ontario Richardson:
As an Eastern Iowa native, Ontario Richardson works professionally as National Account Manager, for one of the largest contract security companies in the world and previously worked in law enforcement, as a 911 Emergency Dispatcher. She obtained her BFA from Iowa State University in 2015. While in college, she took several classes on Native American history.
Ontario grew up going on remote Canadian fishing trips with her family. She has been a solo investigator of sightings and promising habitat throughout Eastern and Southern Iowa for an extended amount of time. Ontario’s favorite areas of research are print casting and audio. She is also a member of the Lowlands Bigfoot Research Group.
She recently attended the 2023 Spring Iowa and Minnesota BFRO Expeditions, as well as several private expeditions.
You can read the full report here: