Saratoga No Longer Offers Free Firewood Due to Garbage Left at the Site

In a disappointing turn of events, public access to the portion of Saratoga Forest Lumber where free firewood has been available has been cut off. The mill owner, Gary Ervin, has made it clear that the supply of free firewood will be permanently discontinued if people continue to dump garbage by his woodpiles. This news comes as a blow to many who rely on the free wood to heat their homes during the winter. Despite this setback, Ervin has expressed his commitment to continue offering free wood, but with restrictions in place until the littering issue is resolved. However, with more scrap wood being sent to his mill in Colorado, the woodpiles may become smaller. It is crucial for everyone to understand the importance of respecting the property and not jeopardizing this valuable resource for the entire community.

As a serious Bigfoot researcher, it is disheartening to hear that public access to the portion of Saratoga Forest Lumber, where free firewood has been available, has been cut off. This news comes as a blow to many individuals who rely on this wood to heat their homes during the winter months. According to the mill owner, Gary Ervin, the supply of free firewood will be permanently cut off if people continue to dump garbage by his woodpiles. Ervin stated, “I have restricted vehicle access to the piles until people stop dumping on my property.” It is crucial for individuals to respect the property and not jeopardize the availability of this valuable resource.

As a courtesy, Saratoga Forest Management has been offering cast-off wood for free, attracting people from far distances who drive hundreds of miles to take advantage of this offer. However, sources have revealed that the mill is planning to reduce the amount of free wood offered. Ervin mentioned that he will be sending more scrap wood to another mill he owns in Colorado, which may result in smaller woodpiles. He emphasized, “I’ll keep the piles stocked unless people continue to litter at the site.” It is essential for individuals to understand the consequences of their actions and refrain from dumping trash at the woodpiles.

In conclusion, the availability of free firewood at Saratoga Forest Lumber is at risk due to irresponsible behavior by some individuals who have been dumping garbage at the woodpiles. As a serious Bigfoot researcher, it is important to respect private property and preserve valuable resources for the benefit of the entire community. Let us hope that people will understand the gravity of their actions and cease littering, allowing the free wood supply to continue for those in need.

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