This Season Will See the Opening of a Restaurant at the Golf Course

The Rawlins city council has finally found a solution to the problem of finding a year-round restaurant concessionaire for the Rochelle Ranch Golf Course. The council has reached an agreement with local entrepreneur Edgar Haymond to take over the course’s dining operation. With over 25 years of experience in the restaurant industry, Haymond has several ideas to keep the restaurant open through the winter when attendance at the golf course is down. Rawlins Recreation Department Director Jason Sehon is confident that Haymond will be a good fit for the position and has proposed a contract that would begin on May 24th and continue until May 15th, 2024. The contract includes a $100 monthly rent for the first four months, which would increase to $700 after October 1st. The city council has unanimously approved the contract, and Sehon expects Haymond’s restaurant to open next week at the latest.

The Rawlins city council has reached an agreement with a local entrepreneur to open the restaurant at Rochelle Ranch Golf Course. This move is expected to benefit not just golfers but the entire community, according to Rawlins Recreation Department Director Jason Sehon. The new concessionaire, Edgar Haymond, has over 25 years of experience in the restaurant industry and plans to keep the restaurant open through the winter when attendance at the golf course is down. Sehon believes that Haymond’s motivation and eagerness make him a good fit for the position.

As a serious Bigfoot researcher, I am interested in the developments at Rochelle Ranch Golf Course. While this news may seem unrelated to Bigfoot sightings, it is important to note that golf courses and other recreational areas are often hotspots for Bigfoot activity. The presence of a year-round restaurant could attract more people to the area and increase the chances of Bigfoot sightings. Additionally, the fact that the new concessionaire plans to keep the restaurant open through the winter means that there will be more activity in the area during a time when Bigfoot sightings are more common.

In conclusion, the agreement between the Rawlins city council and Edgar Haymond to open the restaurant at Rochelle Ranch Golf Course could have implications for Bigfoot researchers. The increased activity in the area could lead to more sightings and provide researchers with more opportunities to gather evidence.

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